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 1. SEE-TV - 2 June 2004  Global Warming: Crashing The Party  Society For Economic Equality, Grand Rapids, MI 
 2. Pfarrer Hans Spiegl  von global dimming - global warming, und dass alles sehr kompliziert ist ...  podcast 
 3. The Science Show - ABC Australia  Global Warming  The Science Show 
 4. Sean Banville  Global Warming  www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com 
 5. Universe Feat. Dexter Wansel  Global Warming  Global Warming 
 6. Baucus  global warming  U.S. Senate Democratic Communication Center Radio Broadcast System  
 7. Blubird  Global Warming  Girls Rock: The Movie  
 8. BBC4  Global warming & Plants  Not Set 
 9. Dave Hitt - hittman@davehitt.com  QH - Global Warming - Part One  Quick Hitts 
 10. V.K.BAND  Global Warming Part II  New Classical 
 11. Zoe Caron  Five myths about global warming  Redeye: Vancouver Cooperative Radio 
 12. Zelig  MPC#41 Global Warming & Us by Zelig  Musica Para Camaleones 
 13. Bill Coppinger  Shell Oil and Global Warming  Whalesong 
 14. The Captain  Fat People Cause Global Warming  From The Quarter Deck 
 15. Bryan Walsh  Global Warming, And Your Allergies   
 16. Bob Enyart  Global warming but still cooler  BEL Apr 2005 
 17. WNYC, New York Public Radio  Profiting From Global Warming  The Leonard Lopate Show 
 18. Dave Hitt - hittman@davehitt.com  QH - Global Warming Part 2  Quick Hitts 
 19. WNYC, New York Public Radio  Profiting From Global Warming  The Leonard Lopate Show 
 20. Radio E  G8 summit: Global warming vs  Network Europe 
 21. Zoe Caron  Five myths about global warming  Redeye: Vancouver Cooperative Radio 
 22. Dr. Marilyn Stewart  Global Warming: The Tipping Point  SS2007-08-05 
 23. By Sonja D. Schmid  Nuclear Renaissance in the Age of Global Warming  bridges Vol. 12 
 24. Hans Baer  Critical anthropology of global warming  Climate Change Social Change Conference 
 25. Bob Enyart  31,000 Scientists Reject Global Warming  BEL May 2008 
 26. Prof. Bob White  Global warming: a Christian response  Ireland and Global Warming 
 27. Bob Enyart  31,000 Scientists Reject Global Warming  BEL May 2008 
 28. Hans Baer  Critical anthropology of global warming  Climate Change Social Change Conference 
 29. WNYC Brian Lehrer  Eliz Kolbert on Global Warming  Not Set 
 30. Emma Alberici  Businesses not tackling global warming  PM - November 7 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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